Farticulate, Henri Le Prisme Du Cosmovistique, mp4, 2021


After 9 years of hiatus where the limits of material works were exhausted towards the point of dematerialization, I, the artist known as Alexander de Moscoso will now reemerge as farticulate.

Observing the rapidly changing world as sparked by Covid 19, economic and cultural platforms are transitioning and experiencing a paradigm shift where the material and virtual world is becoming more enmeshed in our daily lives.

With these signs of the times very much evident and making sense to me, the energies of this changing world is charging my creative force once again and i am reactivating this blogpost to transmit creative output in these interesting times.


About fARTiculate

Transmissions from an island somewhere in the Philippines. Integrating daily art practice & other initiatives from the physical world down to virtual space.
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